Thursday, 7 May 2020

Thursday 7th May

Good Morning.

8:30 - Register with Mrs Tomlin

Maths zooms

Circles - TJ  - 8.50
Triangles - Mrs Tomlin  - 8.50
Pentagons - TJ - 9.15
Squares  -  Mrs Tomlin  - 9.15

10:30 - PE with Mr Russell - zoom in!!

I will open my zoom up at 12 for half an hour for any children that need help or just a chat!

On seesaw are your tasks for Maths, English and Topic. Topic is a longer task so will take you longer, therefore I have only set 1 task. As there is a lot of reading involved this will also count as your reading comprehension today.

Half of the topic task will run over to tomorrow too, so hand it in tomorrow when it's finished.

I am very aware that some children and parents may be struggling with the amount of work set. If that is the case then there is no need to record your topic response. Just discuss with an adult.

At this tricky time we really need to look after ourselves and our mental health. If anyone is struggling then I am only an email away.