Good Morning everyone and happy Wednesday. - Half way through the week already!!!
Please can you register at 8:30 - Mrs Tomlin's zoom.
As it is Wednesday it is a PE day, make sure you do Mr Russell's PE. It's so important to stay fit and healthy.
Guided Reading zoom sessions again today! TJ and I are loving hearing you all read and then discussing the texts. It's obvious that some of you have done a lot of reading over the past few weeks - keep up this amazing effort!
Group 2a - Mrs Tomlin 8.50 Summer, Hana, Yassin, Yuvanth, Kingsley
Group 2b - TJ 8.50 Pranad, Nidhu, Drashti,Lawrence
Group 3 - Mrs Tomlin 9.15 Abdillaah, Navyaa, Tamara, Maryam
Group 4 - TJ 9.15 Shanaya, Nathan, Rishan, Amberly
After Guided Reading I would like you to complete a short Author study. So for a book of your choosing find out some details about the author. Try to complete the sheet. A good Author might be Roald Dahl who write one of our favourites 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.
Click here for Author Activity Sheet
Topic / Science
A continuation from yesterday as it would take longer than an hour to complete. Find the power point and the task on yesterday's blog.
I have decided that I will save the long written multiplication until we are back in school as I don't want anyone to have any misconceptions. So using the grid method answer these word problems.
Circles and Triangles click here!
Squares and Pentagons click here!
I will open my zoom at 11 if anyone would like to check anything! Have a great day!