Friday, 8 May 2020

Friday 8th May!

It's Friday already!! This week has flown by for me, even stuck in isolation!!

Thank you for everyone that has asked how myself and my family are getting on. We are all fine, just missing fresh air, a choice of food and space!! - Only 1 week left!

So let me remind you that Monday school is closed as it's a public holiday day. So have a lie in and enjoy your long weekend.


8:45 - Languages - Malay and Mandarin, log into your zoom session.

9:30 - Registration with Mrs Tomlin

10-10.25 - Mrs Tomlin's zoom will be open for anyone that needs to drop in.

10:30 - Whole School Celebration Assembly - Mrs Thomas' zoom.

Your tasks for today include Maths and handwriting, both are on seesaw. I would also like you to complete the topic work from yesterday. Plus don't forget to get onto bug club, there are so many different books to choose from.  Extra time? TT Rockstars!!